Summer VS. Winter Foundation

Hey friends! So recently my best friend asked me if there was a difference between the foundation I use in the summer, and the one I use in the winter. Should you be switching it up; go for a different consistency, finish, colour, etc. And so this got me thinking. I’d never really paid it much thought before, but yeah, there was totally a difference in the products that I used in the different seasons. So, I thought I would share a little of my thought process (once I actually realized what it was) with you today! Now, in the … Continue reading Summer VS. Winter Foundation


Hey all! Now, we’ve talked about this before; usually when it comes to foundation and makeup, I am all about a matte finish. But lately, I’ve been craving a change. I am so intriqgued by all these glowy and dewy looking makeup looks I’ve been seeing lately, and I just knew I had to try it for myself. So today, after work, I went out and bought myself some new makeup. Did I need it? No. But then again, kind of yeah. L’Oreal True Match Lumi Foundation, Magic Lumi concealer, and Magic Lumi Light Infusing Primer. I already can’t wait … Continue reading MAGIC LUMI